Foot / Ankle injuries
Foot and ankle injuries are very common in sportsperson. Always take rest after foot and ankle injuries as they can be grade 3 ligament tears. most of these injuries can be managed with rest and plaster for three to four weeks.
some times if not treated results in recurrent ankle twisting. The most common risk factor for the recurrent ankle-twisting is the previous ankle sprain. If left untreated it will lead to secondary degenerative changes in the ankle joint, recurrent ankle twisting, pain, and loss of sports performance.
PRP injections help in Ankle Sprain/ tear
ATFL (anterior talofibular ligament) and CFL (calcaneo fibular ligament) tear reconstruction
Recurrent ankle twisting because of chronic ligament tear may require ligament reconstruction and If left untreated it will lead to secondary degenerative changes in the ankle joint, recurrent ankle twisting, pain, and loss of sports performance. In most cases ATLF and CFL reconstruction done with hamstrings tendon graft help sportsman to get back into the sports in just 6 to 8 weeks after the ankle surgeries. The patient is mobilized immediately after the surgery and no cast or plaster is given in the postoperative period.
Deltoid Ligament Repair/ Reconstruction
Deltoid Ligament Repair/reconstruction
Tendoachilles tendon tear Repair/ reconstruction