Meniscus Tear

Most of meniscus tears can be healed without surgery with Inj PRP and physiotherapy 

Here are the proven methods to get back into running and sports faster and stronger after your meniscus injury, even if you now have pain, clicking or locking in the knee.

  • Do you feel grinding \ pain \ loss of confidence \ locking \ clicking in your knee?
  • Are you not able to enjoy your daily living, running, dancing, trekking, sports because your knee is troubling you? 
  • Is your weight increasing because you are not able to do exercises because of your knee meniscus tear?

PRP injection helps in healing of meniscus tears

 Our goal is to save your meniscus, not remove  it because meniscus acts as a shock absorber of the knee and is very important for the prevention of knee osteoarthritis. PRP injection should always be used in individuals who may be considering surgery due to a Grade 1 or 2 peripheral meniscus tear. This approach allows for natural, efficacious healing without the need for surgery.

  partial meniscectomy and balancing

 Arthroscopic  partial menisectomy  is indicated for patient  with grade 3 vertical \ radial \ horizontal meniscus tear in the white zone of the meniscus where its not possible to save meniscus

 In this procedure arthroscopic evaluation of the meniscus is done and a small portion of the meniscus is trimmed out which is giving problems in the knee. Repair of the white zone meniscus tear is not possible because of a lack of blood vessels and healing properties in the meniscus white {central} zone. After this procedure, the patient will be pain-free and can resume running and sports within three to four weeks of the surgery.

3. Arthroscopic meniscus repair

This keyhole Minimal invasive arthroscopic surgical method is for the individuals with peripheral Bucket handle \ horizontal \ vertical tears. Peripheral meniscus tears can be repaired because the Periphery of the meniscus is called a Red zone as it contains blood vessels and it can Heal.  Our goal is to repair and preserve the meniscus not to remove it because the meniscus is very important for the optimum function and it prevents knee osteoarthritis. After the meniscus is repaired the patient has to be non-weight bearing for six weeks and can resume sports and running after 3 months of the surgery.

4. Meniscus root avulsion repair


What will happen if you don’t take any treatment for your meniscus injury?

Small grade 1 or 2 meniscus tears can be healed without surgery with injection PRP and It can increase in size if you don’t take any treatment for these tears and then you will require surgery.

Grade 3 and Bucket handle meniscus tear will damage your knee cartilage and secondary knee osteoarthritis will develop if not treated. This will lead to severe knee degeneration and the patient will require knee replacement surgery in the future.